[JRZE-231] First-Time Married Woman Documentary: Mikasa Sugimoto

初撮り人妻ドキュメント 杉元みかさ


Released date:2025-02-06 ID:h_086jrze00231 ID(DVD):JRZE-231
Actress(es): 杉元みかさ
Studio: Center Village Label: 聚楽 Director: 三郷浩太朗
MIKASA SUGIMOTO, a 40-year-old mother of one, has an extremely sensitive erotic body that makes her cum instantly when her nipples are touched. However, her husband treats her sensitive nipples carelessly. "For example, during a fight, he'd touch my nipples and, while I'm getting aroused, he'd just brush it off. He only touches my body during those times..." Every time her important nipples are treated carelessly, her resentment towards her husband and her desire to cheat grow larger. Seeking a partner who can caress and tease her sensually, she arrives here today. Witness her extremely sensitive erotic body continuing to cum until her physical limits are reached. Prepare to be amazed by her wild performance.
杉元みかささん40歳。結婚10年目になる一児の母。乳首に触れられると即座にアヘってしまうという敏感極エロ体質のみかささん。だがご主人はそんな奥様のエロ乳首をすぐ雑に扱ってくるという。「たとえば夫婦ゲンカでバツが悪くなると乳首を触ってきて私がヘナヘナになってるうちにうやむやにするんです。夫が私の体に触るのはそういうときばっかりで…」大事な乳首を雑に扱われるたびに少しずつ溜まる夫への不満と浮気願望はチリツモで肥大化。いやらしくじっくり愛でて感じさせてくれる相手を求めて今日ここにやってきた。体力の限界までイキ続ける超敏感エロボディの初舞台。その暴れっぷりをご覧ください。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『センタービレッジ』はこちら!ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!