[YOCH-018] For My Husband: First-Time Cum-Hungry Fair-Skinned Body AV Debut - Mayuri Hanamura 40 Years Old



Released date:2025-01-16 ID:h_086yoch00018 ID(DVD):YOCH-018
Actress(es): 花村まゆり
Studio: Center Village Label: 桃園 Director: 佐野与一
Mayuri, born and raised in Hokkaido, has a free-spirited personality and a carefree smile, likely influenced by her upbringing. After university, she moved out on her own for the first time, and instead of doing an internship, she got a job at a food company in Miyagi Prefecture, where she attended university. She met her current husband in that prefecture and they married after a two-year courtship. They were blessed with a child, but since then, their intimate life has become distant. Now, with her libido increasing after childbirth, she grapples with the desire to have sex…
生まれも育ちも北海道生まれというまゆりさん。おおらかな性格と屈託ない笑顔で生まれの影響なのだろう。大学の時にはじめて道内を出て一人暮らしをはじめ、そのままインターンせず大学のある宮城県内での食品会社に就職。今の旦那さんともかの地で知り合い、2年の交際を経て結婚。待望の子宝にも恵まれましたが、それを機に夫婦仲はいいものの夜の生活は疎遠状態…。産後ますます性欲があがる悩みを抱えた彼女は…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『センタービレッジ』はこちら!ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!