[FPRE-134] Hemp Rope Training! Oil Bondage Restraining the White-Skinned, Big-Breasted Widow Monami Takarada

麻縄調教!美白の巨乳未亡人を縛り上げる油緊縛 宝田もなみ


Released date:2025-01-03 ID:fpre00134 ID(DVD):FPRE-134
Series: 油緊縛
Studio: Fitch Label: プレシャス Director:
Fitch exclusive busty beauty Monami Takarada presents her SM bondage training series! Directed by the master of bondage, KAI! This series features a rare and alluring oil bondage that tightly binds her fair skin, training her in a way unseen in typical bondage works. After losing her husband, who was 30 years her senior, Monami became a young widow. Her infidelity with the massage therapist her late husband frequently called escalated, leading her to be bound with hemp rope. As she succumbs to the unfamiliar pleasure of oil bondage, she writhes and suffers in the decadent and perverse world of SM bondage training, ultimately plunging into a realm of intense orgasms...
フィッチ専属の巨乳美女・宝田もなみが魅せるSM緊縛調教シリーズ!監督は緊縛界の巨匠・魁!緊縛作品では珍しい卑猥に輝く油緊縛で白い柔肌をきつく縛り上げ調教する!30歳も年の離れた夫に先立たれ、若くして未亡人となったもなみは、生前・夫がよく呼んでいた出張マッサージ師との不貞行為がエスカレートし、麻縄で縛られる様になっていった。そして、経験した事のないオイル縛りの快感に陶酔していき、淫靡で倒錯的なSM緊縛調教の世界で悶え苦しみ、深いオルガズムの世界に沈んでいく…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Fitch』はこちら!