[ALDN-403] Unbelievable, Extreme Fuck: Wife's Unbelievable Technique Improves as She's Creampied Over and Over, Leaving Her Husband Speechless - Azusa Tani

凄すぎる超絶ファック 輪●で寝取られ続けて上達していく妻の極上テクニックに黙る夫 谷あづさ


Released date:2024-12-21 ID:aldn00403 ID(DVD):ALDN-403
Studio: Takara Eizou Label: ALEDDIN Director: 春花幸男
Azusa is so sensitive that she climaxes too quickly. Even during intimate moments with her husband, she reaches her limit and stops sex. Her husband wasn't satisfied with this kind of married life. One day, he runs into a former coworker, Tamura, and they decide to have a drink. However, Tamura gets aroused by Azusa's unguarded sensuality after she's had a few too many. Despite being taken advantage of, Azusa finds herself developing strange feelings for him. The next day, Tamura continues their intimate encounters. Azusa finds herself sinking deeper into this situation. One day, Azusa's husband, Hiro, witnesses Tamura and Azusa's relationship but is too cowardly to confront them. Azusa gradually changes due to her sexual encounters with Tamura. Although she can't reveal their relationship, Hiro can't help but feel resentment as he watches Azusa's increasingly intense sexual behavior. Despite his bitterness, he finds himself drawn into Azusa's passionate acts.
あづさは敏感過ぎてすぐにイってしまう。夫婦の営みもあづさがイクともう限界でセックスを辞めてしまう。そんな夫婦生活に夫は満足できていなかった、そんな中、元バイト先の男とばったり遭遇し飲むことに。しかし、田村は酔っ払ったあづさの無防備のエロさに興奮を犯してしまう。しかし犯●れたにも関わらずなんとも言えないこの気持ちが芽生えるあづさ。 別の日も田村はあづさとの行為を続け。泥沼にハマっていくあづさ 会社から帰った繁が田村とあづさの関係を目撃してしまうが気が弱く言えずにいた 田村との性行意であづさは徐々変化していく 田村との関係の事は言えないままでいたが、あづさの激しいく変化していく行為に夫は悔しがりながらも、そんなあづさの性行為にハマっていくのであった。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!