[BRV-083] Taking Out My Horny Girlfriend... @08 ~Even a Timid AD Wants Love!~

Hな彼女を連れ出して… @08 ~ヘタレADだって恋したい!~


Released date:2024-12-02 ID:h_1755brv00083 ID(DVD):BRV-083
Studio: Bravo! Label: ブラボー!!!
The timid AD falls for the girl on the other side of the camera... She receives gentle caresses and makes sweet sounds with a lustful expression... As if returning the favor, she gives him a deep throat blowjob... Unable to stay put, he takes her hand and leads her to another room... Her body, which tempts men like a siren, is teased with toys... Seeing her pleasured expression, he feels a sense of guilt for doing something irreversible, and regains his composure. In the end, the only option left for the two of them is to return to the shooting set... He can only watch as she's pounded hard and deep, her face and pussy melting away, becoming completely captivated by his cock... Bravo!!!
ヘタレなADが恋してしまった相手…。それはカメラの向こうにいる彼女…。優しい愛撫を受け、いやらしい顔で甘い声を響かせる彼女…。お返しとばかりに喉奥まで咥えるバキュームフェラ…。物欲しそうに、美味しそうにイチモツを咥える彼女を前に、居ても立っても居られず、彼女の手を取り別室に…。男を誘惑するような魅惑のボディにあてられて、彼女の身体をオモチャで弄る…。気持ち良さそうな彼女を見ると、取り返しのつかない事をしてしまったという罪悪感が体を駆け巡り、冷静さを取り戻す。結局、撮影現場に戻るしか選択肢の無い2人…。硬い肉棒で奥までズンズン突かれ、顔もアソコもドンドンとろけて肉棒の虜になっていく彼女の姿を、彼はただ見ているだけしかできない…。ブラボー!!!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。