[PFAS-021] 48 Ways: A Seductive Afternoon of Passion

48手 情事に耽る昼下がり


Released date:2024-09-28 ID:pfas00021 ID(DVD):PFAS-021
Series: ○○48手
Studio: FA Pro Label: FAプロ Director: オグロック金蔵
Tetsuo Ando, a 46-year-old bachelor, is scraping by thanks to the inherited house from his parents. The woman who visits him is his 32-year-old brother's wife, Noriko Ando. Their relationship began half a year ago at a family gathering, when he forcefully made her take something in her mouth. Today... Noriko arrives, and they'll be fucking all 48 ways until evening. Though he's always been called a lousy brother, it seems his technique is unmatched. Noriko seems eager to be thoroughly embraced as well... (From Episode 1).
安藤哲夫46歳独身。両親から継いだ持ち家のお陰で何とか食い繋いでいる日々。そんな彼の下に通う女、安藤典子32歳。弟の嫁である。半年前の法事で、半ば強引に一物を咥えさせたその日から、二人の関係は始まった。そして今日...訪れた典子と、48手を尽くして夕方までファックする。出来の悪い兄と言われ続けて来たが、どうやらコッチの塩梅だけは人一倍。典子の方もたっぷりと抱かれるつもりのようだ…。(第一話より)※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!