[CEMD-556] The Woman Who Tames Men with Her Amazing Skills Exists in This World 2 - Rin Natsuki

凄テクで男を飼い慣らす女はこの世に存在する2 夏木りん


Released date:2024-07-06 ID:cemd00556 ID(DVD):CEMD-556
A stunningly beautiful young woman, with a model-like figure, appears and climbs onto the desks of the employees in high heels! The newly appointed female president, with her perfect looks and overflowing sex appeal, takes control of all the employees with her overly intimate physical contact from the moment she takes office! Even though she has an important meeting with her right-hand man, the excellent employee Nishijima, about the company's fate, she can't resist using her signature sexy power harassment! "My orders are absolute, right?" Summerwood straddles a man's face, riding his cock while enjoying his face and teasing his huge cock. The man's pathetic moans echo throughout the office as his overly sensitive cock is teased by Summerwood's tight pussy. Due to Summerwood's intense, lustful movements, the man ends up having a massive ejaculation in broad daylight! Summerwood, who is irritable due to her pre-menstrual syndrome, slams her desk to call an employee. When she finds out that her favorite employee is absent, she takes out her frustration on a dull employee, treating him like a toy and teasing his anus with handjobs and blowjobs. Summerwood has a great time teasing the man who moans loudly, but as punishment for disobeying her orders, she fires him! Although Summerwood spends the day having sex with different employees, only her favorite employee, Nishijima, can fill the void in her heart. Unable to sleep due to stress, Summerwood calls Nishijima outside of work hours, and when he rushes to her, they become one, seeking each other out. Convinced that Nishijima is indispensable, Summerwood takes off her trademark glasses and rewards him with a serious vacuum blowjob. She sheds her "president" mask and, as a woman and a man, they spend a long night together, enjoying their passionate lovemaking.
モデルのようにスタイル抜群の若い女が現れて、社員達のデスクにピンヒールでよじ登る!新たに就任した女社長は社員全員と近すぎるスキンシップでやりたい放題!パーフェクトなルックスとあふれる色気を使って、就任直後から社員達を一気に束ねてしまったスゴ腕女社長だ!社長の右腕である優秀な社員・西島と社運をかけた大事な打ち合せもそこそこに、夏木社長お得意のセクシーパワハラが発動した!「私の命令は絶対でしょ?」男の顔にまたがって顔騎クンニを堪能しながらデカチンを手コキする夏木。敏感すぎるデカチンをパイパンマ○コで素股された男の情けないあえぎ声がオフィス中に響く…。欲情して激しく腰振りまくる夏木のせいで、男は昼間っから暴発射精させられたのだった!生理前でイラつく夏木がデスクを叩いて社員を呼びつける。お気に入りの社員が不在だった事に機嫌を損ねた夏木は、冴えない社員の男をオモチャにすると手コキとフェラで手懐けながら男のアナルにイタズラし始める。大きな声でヨガる男をさんざん楽しんだ夏木だったが‘命令に背いた罰’として、その男にクビを宣告したのだった!その日の気分で代わる代わる社員と交わっていた夏木だが、心のすき間を埋められるのはお気に入り社員の西島ただひとり…。ストレスで寝付けない夜を過ごしていた夏木は、業務時間外の西島を電話一本で呼び出すと駆けつけた西島と求め合うようにひとつになった。西島が無くてはならない存在だと確信した夏木は、トレードマークのメガネを外すと本気のバキュームフェラで彼をねぎらう。‘社長の仮面’を脱ぎ捨てて一人の女と男になった二人は、一心不乱に交尾を楽しみながら長い夜を明かすのだった!!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。