[START-089] On-Location Return Room NTR: The Weather Girl Stuck Overnight Due to Heavy Snow, Continuously Developed by a Cunning Middle-Aged Director's Lecherous Power Harassment Cock. Rena Yano

ロケ帰り相部屋NTR 大雪で帰れなくなったお天気お姉さんが陰険な中年ディレクターの粘着パワハラチ○ポで開発され続けた一晩。矢埜愛茉


Released date:2024-07-02 ID:1start00089 ID(DVD):START-089
Studio: SOD Create Label: SOD star Director: 犬神涼
The rookie weathercaster, Rena Yano, and the shooting staff had to stay at a local hotel due to heavy snow disrupting their plans. However, all rooms were booked, leaving them with the worst possible situation: sharing a room with a condescending middle-aged director who's always been a bully towards Yano. He threatens to pull her from the project while pressuring her for a physical relationship, leading to sex. He takes advantage of their power dynamic, tormenting her body all night long...
地方ロケに来た新人お天気キャスターの矢埜愛茉と撮影スタッフは大雪の影響で急遽現地のホテルに泊まることに。しかしホテルはどこも満室で嫌味たらしい中年ディレクターと最悪の相部屋…普段から矢埜に対して高圧的なパワハラ男。降板をチラつかせながら肉体関係を迫ってきてセックス。立場を利用し夜通しカラダを弄ぶ…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『SODクリエイトのブランドストア』はこちら!