[GVH-660] Mom's Sex Confessions: Reika Takeda

ママシ●タ実話 武田怜香


Released date:2024-06-08 ID:gvh00660 ID(DVD):GVH-660
Studio: Glory Quest Label: GLORY QUEST Director: ひょん
Reika Takeda's Sultry Confessions: A tale of beauty and big tits that's the talk of the family. Reika, known for her stunning looks and ample bosom, finds herself the target of her cousin Masaru's affections. After a night of fun, she's subjected to a playful punishment: having her luscious breasts squeezed. Masaru, at the cusp of manhood, is deeply stirred by Reika's alluring physique, and soon finds himself craving her touch. Unbeknownst to him, Reika has been harboring her own desires. When Masaru, despite their forbidden connection, presents his hard-on, she can't resist the temptation and steps into a relationship she knows she shouldn't... #SquadLeaderP
親戚の間でも評判の美貌と爆乳の持ち主・怜香の淫らな体験談…。怜香は里帰りした親戚の息子・マサルに懐かれ、遊びの末に罰ゲームとしてそのたわわなおっぱいを揉まれてしまう。怜香の魅惑的な肉体は年頃のマサルの心を強烈に刺激してしまい、それからマサルは怜香を求め始めてしまう。実は欲求不満であった怜香は、こ○もとはいえ力強く勃起するチ○ポを見せ付けられ、禁断の関係に足を踏み入れてしまうのだった…。#班長P※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『グローリークエスト』はこちら!