[MFT-016] The Beautiful Student Failed Sexuality Studies... In This School, Failing Students Receive Support From The Entire School. Non-Stop Sex and Multiple Orgasms for Make-Up Lessons!!



Released date:2024-06-20 ID:1mft00016 ID(DVD):MFT-016
In 20XX, a new subject called "Sexuality Studies" was introduced in Japanese schools as part of an educational reform. This program aimed to ensure that all students, regardless of background, would gain knowledge and experience about sex equally. The system stipulated that students who didn't achieve a passing score on the exam would be held back a year. Female students who failed were required to engage in sexual activities with their teachers or assisting students as practical remedial lessons. They had to endure this humiliating situation until they passed, essentially learning about sex through public exposure.
20××年、日本の学校現場では教育改革として「性活学科」という科目が導入されました。それは拡大した性情報を知識・経験として隔たりなく学生に浸透させるという理念の下、試験で一定の点数を取らないと留年してしまうという教育制度となっていました。落第点の女子は実地補習として先生や手伝う生徒とHをして及第に至るまで恥ずかしい姿を学校中で晒し、性とはなにかを学習していくのでした。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。