[CAWD-800] My Girlfriend Is My Possession Natsu Hinata

「なつは俺の所有物なんだよ?」防犯対策で男女共同シェアハウスに入居したのに...イタい勘違い同居人が彼氏面してきて束縛ストーカー化…強●退去させたら大逆上して合鍵侵入報復レ●プ 日向なつ


Released date:2025-02-28 ID:cawd00800 ID(DVD):CAWD-800
Studio: kawaii Label: kawaii Director: TAKE-D
Living alone as a woman is very important for security But apartments with good security are expensive... It's too difficult for new employees I decided to move into a share house because I could save on initial expenses and feel safe about security I wanted a women-only share house, but there wasn't one near my company, so I chose a mixed-gender share house The longest resident, 'Takeshi', helped me out with various things At first, he was kind enough to show me around my room, and I thought he was a nice person... "I'll let you bring your boyfriend home, but that's not allowed" "I'm fine because I don't have a boyfriend" "That's right, you seem popular" "I wish I could have a boyfriend like Takeshi" I never thought that this unnecessary comment would drive Takeshi crazy... If I came home a little late, he would ambush me at the entrance and ask me where I went, who I was with, and if it was a man... When I was chatting happily with other residents, he got jealous and urged me to go back to my room... It's creepy for him to act like my boyfriend... no, it's scary I tried to keep some distance from him My underwear was gone... I remember someone coming into the changing room while I was taking a bath That day, that time, only Takeshi was at home I explained the situation to the other residents and entered the room while Takeshi was away It was my underwear... What?! There were pictures of me all over the wall "This is... bad, let's call the manager" Takeshi was forcibly evicted... I felt relieved... A stalker was born inside the share house... I paid attention when I went out... Because I had the feeling that someone was watching me I felt safe at home... When I came home from work, I fell asleep in the living room When I opened my eyes...!! Takeshi was there "Why... you're banned from entering" "It's a spare key... Natsu, did you deceive me? Did you betray me?" "What are you talking about?" "Natsu is my possession, aren't we dating?" I couldn't talk to him because his head was boiling with blood... I couldn't move because he was choking me... Someone came home... help me... I was raped by force, and I was marked with the worst creampie I was confined to my room for several days and raped repeatedly inside the share house... Even if I waited for help, nothing would change... "I want you to take selfies with my smartphone because I want to make memories with Takeshi-san" "Natsu... finally, you understand my feelings!!" I took a gamble of a lifetime... To send Takeshi to hell...!!
女性の一人暮らしは防犯がとても大事 でもセキュリティがしっかりしてる物件は高い… 新社会人にはとてもハードルが高い 初期費用を抑えられて、防犯面でも安心できると シェアハウスを勧められて入居を決意した 女性専用が良かったけど、 会社の近くにはなくて男女共同シェアハウスにした 最古参の住人‘たけし’が色々とお世話してくれた 最初は親切に部屋案内とかしてくれて 優しい人で良かったと思っていたんだけど… 「彼氏を連れ込んでもいいけど、そういうのはNGなので」 「彼氏いないので大丈夫です」 「そうなんだ、モテそうなのになぁ」 「たけしさんみたいな優しい彼氏が出来ればいいんですけどね」 この余計な一言が‘たけし’を狂わせることになるなんて… 少し帰りが遅いと玄関で待ち伏せして どこに行ってたんだ?誰といたんだ?男か?と質問攻め… 他の同居人と楽しく談笑していると嫉妬して 部屋に戻るように促してくる… なんか、彼氏ヅラしてキモい…いや、怖い 少し距離を取るようにした 下着がなくなった…そういえば、お風呂入ってるときに 誰かが脱衣所に入ってきた あの日、あの時間、在宅してたのは‘たけし’だけだ 他の住居人に事情を説明し立ち合いの元 たけしが不在中に部屋に入ったら… 私の下着だ… えっ…!!壁一面に私の写真が貼り付けらていた… 「これは…ヤバいぞ、管理人に来てもらおう」 たけしは強●退去させられた…ホッとした… シェアハウス内でストーカーが生まれるなんて… 外出するときも注意を払った… 誰かに見られているような感覚があったからだ おうちの中なら安心… 仕事から帰るとリビングでうたた寝してしまった 目を開けたら…!! ‘たけし’がいる 「なんで…出禁になったでしょ」 「合鍵だよ…なつ、俺を騙したの?裏切ったの?」 「何言ってんの?」 「なつは俺の所有物だろ?付き合ってるだろ、俺たち」 頭に血が上っていて話が通じない… 首を絞められて怖くて動けなくなった… 誰か帰ってきて…助けて… 力づくで犯●れて、最悪すぎるマーキング中出し 部屋に監禁されて数日間、シェアハウス内で犯●れ続けた… 助けを待ってても埒が明かない… 「たけしさんと思い出作りたいから私のスマホでハメ撮りして欲しい」 「なつ…やっとわかってくれたんだな、俺の気持ちを!!」 私は一世一代の賭けに出た… たけしを地獄に堕とすために…!!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Kawaii*』はこちら!