[VDD-190] Receptionist in... (Threatening Suite Room) Minami Maeda

受付嬢in...(脅迫スイートルーム) 前田美波


Released date:2025-02-28 ID:24vdd00190 ID(DVD):VDD-190
Minami Maeda, a new receptionist praised by visitors for her cheerful smile. Such a secret she cannot tell anyone. A torture game where she is tormented in a private room. She was forced to follow their proposal, unwillingly, because she had to protect her status so that it would not be exposed. She was called to a suite in a high-class hotel every time, and she was played with and offered herself. No matter how much she sacrificed herself, her heart would never bend. That belief was the only way to maintain her self-esteem. The hateful memories of men will never disappear. But still, lewd memories are flooding in. While resisting, she is torn apart. Men around her mock her struggling figure and slowly shake her female emotions. The more she stands up to them, the more her bluff and masochistic desire are revealed. The woman was cursed and mercilessly abused, and had no choice but to submit...
華やかな笑顔で来訪者からもすこぶる評判がいい新人受付嬢・美波。そんな彼女の誰にも言えない秘密。密室で嬲られるワカラセ遊戯。狡猾で卑怯な男たちに弱みを握られ、それを暴露されないよう、自身のステータスを守るには、不本意ながらも彼らの提案に従わざるを得なかった。高級ホテルの一室に呼び出され、その度に散々弄ばれ身を捧げてきた。どれだけ身を犠牲にしようとも心は決して屈しない。その信念のみが自尊心を保つ唯一の手段だった。男たちに対する忌々しい記憶が消えることはない。それなのに、押し寄せてくる淫らな記憶。それに抗いながらも葛藤してしまう。傍で男たちはもがく姿を嘲笑い、女の感情をジワジワ揺さぶってくる。意地を張るほどに露呈される虚勢と被虐欲。女は罵倒され容赦無く虐げられ、屈服するしかなかった…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『ワープグループストア』はこちら!