[GBSA-088] Temptation in the Secret Hot Spring - Akari (Pseudonym), 28

背徳の秘湯 朱莉(仮名)二十八歳


Released date:2025-02-22 ID:gbsa00088 ID(DVD):GBSA-088
Series: 背徳の秘湯
Akari, 28, has been married for five years. After graduating from nursing school, she married a surgeon at the hospital where she worked. Later, her husband transferred to a hospital in the same chain, and now they work at different hospitals. Their relationship is not bad, but due to their busy schedules, they rarely spend time together. After her husband's transfer, their intimate life has significantly decreased. She has been rejected by other married women's advances, and for the past two years, she has been sexless. Amidst her stifling days, she accepted an invitation from a married man for a trip, hoping it would improve her relationship with her husband.
朱莉(28歳)、結婚5年目。看護合奏卒業後に就職した病院の外科医と結婚。その後、夫が系列の病院へと転勤、現在では別々の病院での勤務に。夫婦仲は悪くないがお互いが多忙なため、揃って過ごす時間はかなり少ない。さらに夫の転勤後は夜の営みが激減、何度か人妻からの誘いを断られ心が折れてからは2年ほどSEXレス。鬱屈とした日々を送る中、夫との関係改善の切掛になればと既婚男性からの旅の誘いを受けた。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『【妄想族】デジタルメガストア』はこちら!