We welcomed legendary actor Takahisa Kimura to the Hi-Kara team for our second trip to Los Angeles! With Hollywood Saburo and Takahisa Kimura's perfectly synced combo, we embark on a journey to conquer the beauties of Los Angeles! This summer, we discovered a girl in a school uniform taking selfies in a park. We pretended to be interviewing her and managed to pick her up. She's currently on summer break from college and was filming TikToks in the park. Her dream is to become an influencer by making her videos go viral on SNS, and surprisingly, we shared the same aspirations, as we were also filming videos in LA. Jil-chan loves Japanese culture and even has a Pokemon tattoo. She finds Japanese school uniforms adorable and wears them as cosplay even in her daily life. Once her uniform is off, she reveals sexy tanned breasts that are incredibly erotic. Witnessing sex with a California schoolgirl and an old man is something you can only see here!