[VENX-301] Stop It, Father-in-Law! (Sweat) It's Unacceptable for You to Enter the Bathroom While I'm Bathing!! Serina Usui

お、お義父さんやめて下さい(汗) 私の入浴中、勝手にお風呂に入ってくるのは…ッ!! 碓井せりな


Released date:2024-12-13 ID:venx00301 ID(DVD):VENX-301
"This is troubling... Please stop..." Serina's father-in-law, who dreams of bathing together without water, enters the bathroom while she's taking a bath, despite her discomfort. Serina finds herself unable to firmly refuse him, even though she's bewildered by his sudden actions. This is the first time her usually gentlemanly and kind father-in-law has acted so out of character. As she worries about causing a stir, she's gradually cornered into a corner of the bathroom. When her father-in-law, with his usual smile, squeezes her ample breasts, Serina realizes that a crack has appeared in their peaceful married life...
「困ります…やめてください…」親子水入らずで背中を流すのが夢だという義父。そんな義父を戸惑いながらも強くは拒めない瀬里奈。いつも紳士的で優しい義父がこんな突拍子もない行動に出るのは初めてのことだった。波風が立つことを気にしている間に、徐々に浴室の角へと追い詰められていく。いつもと変わらない笑顔の義父に豊満な乳房を揉まれたそのとき、瀬里奈は穏やかな結婚生活にヒビが入ったことを悟った…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『VENUS&熟女JAPAN』はこちら!