[DGCEMD-589] Exclusive Streaming Release with Bonus Footage! Ecstasy Date with a Split Tongue and Full-Body Japanese Tattooed Woman - Shizuku Yuuki

★配信限定!特典映像付★スプリットタンと全身和彫りの女のエクスタシーデート 結城雫


Released date:2024-10-05 ID:dgcemd00589 ID(DVD):DGCEMD-589
Shizuku Yuuki, the girl with ever-increasing tattoos all over her body, glowing piercings on her ears, nose, tongue, and nipples, and a split tongue, finally makes her dream debut as an actress! Her intimidating image crumbles in the initial interview, revealing a sweet and adorable girl. When she first meets the male actor in the studio bed, Shizuku's face is a mix of nervousness and excitement as they share a kiss. As their tongues intertwine like snakes, she moans with lust, even though it's her first shoot. When the man licks her upper body covered in fierce Japanese-style tattoos of "Oni" and "Nyorai," Shizuku's nipples harden, her whole body trembles with pleasure, and she bites her teeth, reaching a genuine climax! She wraps her forked tongue around his cock and sucks him deep down her throat, then a hard, thick cock is inserted. Shizuku moans and cries out with pleasure as she changes positions, revealing new tattoo designs each time. Upon closer inspection, the cute and endearing demons and their designs seem to be introducing Shizuku's personality. After finishing their first sex session in the studio and moving to a hotel, Shizuku spreads out a homemade lunchbox. She shows an unexpected gap by revealing her love for cooking and crafts, and she shares the meal with the director, naturally breaking the ice between them. Their shopping trip to the convenience store is filled with the joy and relaxation of a real couple. Of course, in the subsequent private shoot, Shizuku, with her unpretentious personality, enjoys herself like it's her own private time, even allowing for "gobbling" and "creampies," making it an unforgettable debut shoot! This limited-edition release also includes special off-shots of Shizuku Yuuki, who is covered in tattoos, and a close-up look at her getting more tattoos. Although she can't always use pools or hot springs, Shizuku has no plans to remove her tattoos, which she considers a lifelong companion. Getting tattooed is painful, but she has no regrets. Please witness the real Shizuku Yuuki as she continues to live with her tattoos.
増え続ける全身の刺青と、耳・鼻・舌・乳首には光るピアス!おまけに舌は二股に裂けた‘スプリットタン’の「結城雫」が、念願の女優デビューを果たした!近寄りがたいイメージは冒頭のインタビューでくずれ落ち、人懐っこい笑顔が実にかわいい女の子だ。スタジオのベッドで男優と初対面した「雫」は、緊張とワクワクが入り混じった表情でキス。蛇のような舌を絡ませると、初撮影ながら貪欲に欲情してあえぎ声が漏れはじめる…。イカツイ和彫りの‘般若や念仏’がびっしり彫られた上半身を男に舐め上げられた「雫」は、乳首をビンビンにして感じはじめ全身を小きざみに震わせて歯を食いしばって本気絶頂!!蛇舌を亀頭にまとわりつかせながら喉奥までくわえ込んでフェラしたら、硬いデカチンが挿入された。込み上げる快感に搾り出すような声であえぎ叫ぶ「雫」が体位を変えるたび、初めて見る絵柄がコロコロと顔を出す。よく見ると憎めないお茶目なお化けやその絵柄達は、まるで「雫」ちゃんの人柄を自己紹介しているように見方が変わってきた。スタジオでの初SEXを終えてホテルに移動すると、手作りのお弁当を広げる「雫」ちゃん!料理や手芸が好きという意外なギャップを見せながら監督とお弁当を食べさせ合って、自然と打ち解ける2人。コンビニに買出しに行く様子は、本当の恋人のように楽しげでリラックスしている。当然その後のハメ撮りでは、飾らない性格の「雫」がほぼプライベートの様に行為を楽しんで‘ごっくん’や‘中出し’まで許してしまう、デビュー作とは思えない撮影となったのだった!!配信限定版のみ、撮影現場の裏側を収録したスペシャルオフショットを収録。全身に刺青の入った結城雫さん。さらに刺青を追加する様子に密着。プールや温泉などを利用できないこともあるけど、一生もので消すことは考えていない雫さん。刺青を入れる時は痛いけど、後悔はしていない。これからも刺青と一生付き合っていく雫さんのリアルをご覧ください。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。