[TYVM-290] Curious if I'd Feel It Even Without My Loving Husband... A Svelte Wife's First Infidelity Creampie Sex



Released date:2024-09-13 ID:h_1640tyvm00290 ID(DVD):TYVM-290
Kaori, a 43-year-old housewife, has been married for 15 years to a hardworking and serious husband. Though she initially fell for his sincerity and earnestness, she now frequently experiences dissatisfaction due to his inflexibility. Knowing her husband's personality well prevents her from voicing her desires. Seeking an outlet for her wants, she decides on infidelity. Kaori believes sex with her loving husband is the most pleasurable, but today she'll finally experience the joy of another man's penis for the first time. Please note that the content may vary depending on the distribution method. Feature Live Chat Enjoyable chats with young wives and mature women! Human-wife chats!
かおりさん43歳、専業主婦。仕事一筋の生真面目なご主人と結婚して早15年。彼の誠実で実直なところに惚れていたはずなのに、今ではその融通の利かなさが原因で欲求不満が募ることがしばしば。ご主人の性格をよく知ってるがゆえに我侭も言えず、欲望の捌け口を求めて浮気を決意した。愛するご主人とのセックスが一番気持ちいいという香織さん、だが今日ついに初めて他人棒快楽の味を知ってしまう…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!