[ALDN-354] My Heart Can't Take It... But I Want to Be Bound - Iroha Narumiya

こころは無理…でも縛られたい 成宮いろは


Released date:2024-08-24 ID:aldn00354 ID(DVD):ALDN-354
Studio: Takara Eizou Label: ALEDDIN Director: 九十九究太
Iroha had been feeling suffocated by her husband's control... They had been married for seven years, hadn't been blessed with children, but had lived a relatively happy life as a couple. However, around two years ago, her husband, who had been accumulating stress from a promotion battle at work, began to increasingly restrict Iroha. As a result, she was forced to quit her job and become a full-time housewife. Furthermore, she was forbidden from going out, and her only respite was going out during her husband's workday. One day, while confiding in a junior about her marital woes, Iroha's true feelings were revealed. She admitted to feeling stressed by her husband's control, but didn't want a divorce... However, she felt like she was going to suffocate if things continued like this. That's when Iroha realized she was craving "convenient fun." Around that time, she learned that there was a growing number of women who desired to be bound. Encouraged by her junior, and despite the pangs of guilt, Iroha took a step into this unknown world. There, a new world awaited Iroha... Through being bound, Iroha, who had been suffering from confinement, was able to unleash her unknown sexuality.
いろはは夫の束縛に息苦しさを感じていた…。 夫と結婚して7年。子宝には恵まれなかったが、夫婦二人でそれなりに幸せを暮らしていた。 しかし2年程前から会社での昇進争いにストレスを溜めていた夫が次第にいろはを束縛するようになっていた。 そのせいでいろはは仕事を辞めさせられ、専業主婦になった。更には外出も禁じられ、唯一の息抜きは夫の出社時の日中出かける事だった。 そんなある日、後輩に家庭の愚痴を話していた時、後輩からいろはの本音を引き出されてしまう。 夫の束縛にはストレスを感じていたが離婚はしたくない…、でも…このままじゃ息がつまってしまう。 そう…いろはは「都合の良い遊び」を求めていたのだった。 そんな時に最近「縛られたい願望の女性が増えている」という事を知るいろは。 後輩に背中を押され、背徳感に後ろ髪を引かれながらも、未知の世界に一歩を踏み入れたいろは。 そこでは新しい世界がいろはを待っていたのだった… 束縛に苦しんでいたいろはが縛られることにより未知の性を開放する。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!