[START-108] The Hidden Beauty: A Part-Time Housewife Working at a Beef Bowl Chain Engages in Unprotected, Tongue-Deep Adultery with a Student Worker, Leading to Creampies - Yotsuba Komina
隠れ美人の牛丼チェーン店で働くパート主婦が学生バイトと避妊具なしでネチョベロ不倫中出し 小湊よつ葉
[START-108] The Hidden Beauty: A Part-Time Housewife Working at a Beef Bowl Chain Engages in Unprotected, Tongue-Deep Adultery with a Student Worker, Leading to Creampies - Yotsuba Komina
Part-time wife Yotsuba, working at a beef bowl chain, grows close to her college student coworker. She's drawn to his sincerity and earnestness. One day, after discovering they have the same commute time, they end up drinking together and eventually sleeping together. Afterward, they continue their intimate encounters in various locations - after work, during breaks inside the store, even in the busy kitchen during operating hours. Yotsuba realizes their physical compatibility is off the charts... .