[DGCEMD-552] Exclusive Release! Bonus Footage Included! Lesbian Orgasms in the Wild - Yuri Sasahara & Kanna Misaki - Part 2

★配信限定!特典映像付★女同士のオーガズム 野外露出レズビアン2 紗々原ゆり 美咲かんな


Released date:2024-07-06 ID:dgcemd00552 ID(DVD):DGCEMD-552
In a secluded villa surrounded by lush greenery, Yuri Sasahara and Kanna Misaki engage in intimate caresses. Away from the studio, in the open embrace of nature, these two women relax both physically and mentally, letting their bodies respond to each other's touch with moans of pleasure. Sasahara, nestled between Misaki's thighs, grinds against her pussy, creating a symphony of squelching and sucking sounds. Unable to contain her ecstasy, Misaki writhes uncontrollably, arching her back and letting out wild screams as she surrenders to the overwhelming sensation. As they soak in a hot spring, enjoying the gentle night breeze, Sasahara's camisole is lifted, revealing her breasts. Misaki's soft tongue gently caresses her nipples, causing Sasahara's body to tremble with anticipation. From behind, Sasahara is embraced in a tight hug, her sensitive clit teased and played with, eliciting moans of pleasure and multiple orgasms. After warming up in the hot spring, their smooth skin intertwines as they embrace each other contentedly. Sasahara, licking Misaki's toes with tenderness, revels in her reactions. Misaki, her body slick with sweat and her voice strained with pleasure, finds herself completely fulfilled by Sasahara's attentiveness. Having entrusted their bodies to each other, they are both aroused and remain in a heightened state of sensitivity. Dissatisfied with just their fingers and mouths, they decide to bring out a powerful vibrator! The intense stimulation sends them into multiple orgasms, their cries echoing through the night as they surrender to the bliss of pleasure. Their faces, filled with an overwhelming sense of satisfaction, reflect the intense joy they share during this extraordinary moment. This exclusive release includes a special interview filmed behind the scenes, offering a glimpse into the making of this intimate encounter. Despite being in the same agency, this marks their first serious collaboration. As they chat, their sensibilities align perfectly, creating a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Despite the unexpected twist of their first collaboration being a lesbian scene outdoors, both actresses manage to handle the situation with a mix of nervousness and excitement, resulting in a truly special experience.
自然豊かな木々に囲まれた別荘で、仲睦まじく愛撫しあう「紗々原ゆり」&「美咲かんな」。スタジオ離れた大自然のなか身も心も開放的にリラックスした2人が、互いの身体を愛であって感じるままにあえぎまくった!!美咲の太ももの間に潜り込んだ紗々原が、ジュルジュルチュッチュと音を立ててクンニする。こらえ切れない快感に思わず身をよじった美咲は、どんどん脱力すると身体をのけ反らせて狂おしい程にあえぎ声をあげる!心地よい夜風にあたりながら温泉に浸かる2人。キャミソールをめくられた紗々原が、乳首に吸い付いてきた美咲の柔らかな舌の感触に身体をビクビクと反応させている。背後から抱えるようにハグされて敏感なクリをコリコリいじられた紗々原は、余裕の無い声をあげて身もだえすると何度も絶頂した!温泉で温まった2人は、すべすべになった肌を合わせて幸せそうに絡み合う。つま先まで優しく舐めて反応を楽しむ紗々原は、しっとり汗ばんで脱力した声を漏らす美咲の反応に満たされていく…。信頼する相手に身体を明け渡して、イカしイカされずっと敏感状態な2人は、互いの指や口だけでは飽き足らずローターを持ち出した!強力なローターの刺激で何度も絶頂した2人は、大きな声で絶叫しながらあえぎまくりオーガズムに陶酔すると、気が遠くなるほど満足感に満ちた表情で極限の快楽時間を共有したのだった!!配信限定版のみ、撮影現場の裏側を収録したスペシャルインタビューを収録。同じ事務所ながら、本格的な共演は初めてのお二人。話をしていくと感性が近く、相性はバッチリ。初共演でレズで野外でという変化球にも緊張&リラックスしたとてもいい空気のお二人でした。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!