[REBD-854] Mitsuki Million Dollar Glamorous - Momoi Mitsuki

Mitsuki Million dollar glamorous・百田光希


Released date:2024-07-04 ID:h_346rebd00854 ID(DVD):REBD-854
Studio: REbecca Label: REbecca Director: ヘルペス☆タカ
The star of this production is Mitsuki Momoi!! A busty beauty with a towering 166cm height, a lovely small face, and a stunning 100cm J-cup bust that commands attention! Her hobbies include watching classic films, showcasing a sophisticated taste in cinema. She also has an active side, having played badminton in her student days. Despite her calm demeanor, she possesses a bright personality, adaptability, and a high level of charisma. She captivates the camera with her adorable and elegant appearances, as well as her alluringly wild side. This work also features a fulfilling breast interview, a signature of Director Herpes. Her impressive character impersonations from a certain dream country are of exceptionally high quality, so be sure to check them out. She openly discusses her large breasts, which are more captivating than her face, revealing that she was once overweight and lost weight through dieting, leaving only her breasts intact. Experience the dazzling radiance of Mitsuki Momoi's overflowing brilliance, a glamorous body worth more than a million dollars in gold and silver treasure!! [Note: This is an image video.]
本作の主演は百田光希ちゃん!!高身長166cmに愛らしい小顔、乳房の形も乳輪も美しい100cmJカップバストが存在感を放つ爆乳美少女だ!!趣味は古めの洋画をよく見るという渋いスタイルの映画鑑賞、学生時代はバドミントン経験がありアクティブな面も。おっとりした雰囲気ながら明るい性格で順応性も高く、可愛く淑やかな姿や妖しく乱れる姿など様々な魅力をカメラに見せつけてくれる。ヘルペス監督ならではのおっぱいインタビューも充実、特技である某夢の国のキャラモノマネは無茶苦茶クオリティが高いので見て頂きたい。誰もが気になるお顔より大きなそのお胸についても赤裸々に語る、実は太っていた頃があってダイエットの結果痩せて胸だけ残ったんだとか。百万ドルの金銀財宝よりも価値がある輝くグラマラスボディ、百田光希の溢れんばかりの眩き光を堪能せよ!! 【※この作品はイメージビデオです】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。