[MAZO-050] 140 Minutes [Uterine Compression. Addicted to Penis Requests.] A Professional Dancer (23) Loses Her Mind to Piston Action, Her M-Vagina Stretches and Contracts, Swallowing Cum. A Pleasure Video Focused Only on Irresponsible Creampies



Released date:2024-06-09 ID:h_1472mazo00050 ID(DVD):MAZO-050
RIKA, a 23-year-old professional dancer with a slender figure, great tits, and a masochistic side that emerges when her nipples are twisted. Imagine her, who usually gets admiring glances on the dance floor, now grinding on some old man's cock... the sense of conquest is overwhelming (lol). Her incredibly sensitive nipples, which harden endlessly, are like a second clitoris. Twisting them to the point of snapping, she reaches multiple orgasms like a fool. What a wonderful sight (lol). Even during sex, whenever he gets the chance, he twists her cervix and uterus with his cock, making her tremble with pleasure and arch her back. Her silky smooth skin is also flushed. Then she screams while reaching multiple orgasms (lol). I bet those black guys she played with back then were also hooked on her body. No matter where you touch her, it's like hitting her orgasm switch, and even if she doesn't want to cum, if you twist her nipples and command her, she'll fall for it every time. Her extreme perversion makes her a perfect sex toy (lol).
RIKA 23歳 プロダンサー。細身のプロポーション。形の良い乳房。乳首をひねり潰すと一瞬でトロけてマゾメス顔。普段はダンスフロアで腰を振って羨望の眼差しを向けられる彼女が、こんなおっさんのチンポの上で腰を振っていると思うと…征服感が半端ないですよ(笑)無限に固くなる敏感乳首はまさに第二のクリトリス。千切れるほどにつねればビクビクと馬鹿みたいに絶頂。なんて素晴らしい光景でしょうか(笑)ハメてる最中も事あるごとに膣の奥、子宮をチンポでひねり潰してやれば歓喜に震えながら全身のけ反らせる。絹のようになめらかな肌も紅潮。そんで絶叫しながらアクメアクメアクメ(笑)当時遊んだ黒人たちもこの身体にハマってたんじゃないでしょうかね。どこを触れても絶頂のスイッチと、イキたくなくても乳首をつねられ命令されれば何度でもイカされてしまう状態。あまりのド変態ぶりに肉便器決定ですよ(笑)※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『HMN WORKS グループ』はこちら!