[REBD-837] Ayano's Mature Pheromones - Ayano Kato

Ayano Mature pheromones・加藤あやの


Released date:2024-05-02 ID:h_346rebd00837 ID(DVD):REBD-837
Studio: REbecca Label: REbecca Director: あおのゆうこ
Starring Ayano Kato! This alluring beauty captivates with her composed demeanor, alluring smile, and mature, sensual body! Ayano, a kind soul who deeply loves her dog, is a talented actress known for her acting skills. She's in high demand on stage, receiving invitations from various directors for diverse projects. Surprisingly, despite her extensive career, she hasn't done many image videos. This time, REbecca had the honor of featuring her. Only a woman who has reached the age of 40 and accumulated rich life experiences can exude such a captivating charm and seductive aura that leaves viewers spellbound. Her favorite scene is in the bath, where she playfully mentions, "It's rare for them to film me with messy hair like this, and I had fun with the wet hair look," with a smile. Ayano's mature sensuality and intense pheromones radiate through the screen, leaving an unforgettable impression! [Note: This is an image video.]
本作の主演は加藤あやのさん!!落ち着いた佇まいに艶やかな微笑み、熟れた官能的な肉体が魅力の妖艶な美女だ!!愛犬をこよなく愛する心優しきあやのさん、芸達者で演技力に定評があり舞台でも引っ張りだこで様々な舞台監督から声をかけられ多方面で活躍中。長い活動歴の中でイメージ関連作品の出演は意外にもあまりないという事で、今回REbeccaが白羽の矢を立てさせてもらった。齢40を迎え人生経験も豊富な女性だからこそ見せられる、艶然とした微笑みや媚態は魔性の魅力で見るものを虜にする。ご本人のお気に入りはお風呂のシーンで、「髪をぐちゃぐちゃにしてまで撮るのは滅多にないし濡髪も楽しかった」と笑顔で語ってくれたぞ。美し過ぎるあやのさんの成熟しきった色香溢れる濃密なフェロモンが画面越しに伝わってくる!! 【※この作品はイメージビデオです】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。