Nana (24 years old) works at a famous lingerie company, mainly handling product development. During presentations, she provides detailed feedback based on her own experience wearing the products. She's highly respected by her superiors, but there's always a secret hidden beneath the surface of these type of women (laughs). A hardworking woman has ambition, and that applies to sex as well. Today, she was wearing a revealing outfit that highlighted her small breasts and toned buttocks, and after 10 minutes, she couldn't hold back any longer and showed off her pent-up desires. (laughs) On her profile, she mentioned "anything but bleeding is fine." It seems she's been asked for intense play by her past partners, including anal stimulation and clitoral stimulation with a vibrator. She even sucked on a large cock until tears streamed down her face. Of course, when he penetrated her cervix, she squirted so much that it was like a water park. Her slender legs trembled uncontrollably. (laughs) Don't miss out on the sight of this well-trained office lady's sprinkler masochism!
なな(24歳)某有名下着メーカ勤務。会社では主に商品開発を担当。プレゼンでは実際に着用した感想を女性ならではの意見として事細かに報告。上からの信頼も厚いですが…この手の女にはだいたい秘密がございます(笑)。仕事熱心な女は向上心がある。つまりそれは性にだって言えることです。この日も小ぶりな胸と引き締まったお尻が良く目立つ服装で、10分後には包み隠さず溜まりに溜まったモノを見せてくれました。(笑)アプリでは「血が出ること以外だったら何でも良いです」と。歴代の男たちからは過激なプレイを求められていたようでイラマチオ、バイブでの直当てのクリ責め。デカチンポを咥え込み涙。もちろん子宮めがけて突っ込めば…水溜りが出来るレベルで大量潮吹き。ビクビクと細い脚を痙攣させていますよ(笑)バリキャリOLの鍛え甲斐抜群、スプリンクラーマゾ姿をみなさま是非ご覧くださいませ。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。
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