[ALDN-298] My Stepmom is Way Better Than My Wife... Chigusa Fugetsu

お義母さん、にょっ女房よりずっといいよ… 深月ちぐさ


Released date:2024-04-06 ID:aldn00298 ID(DVD):ALDN-298
Studio: Takara Eizou Label: ALEDDIN Director: 九十九究太
After a long time, my wife and I returned to her parents' home. Her parents welcomed us warmly. During a family gathering, my father-in-law started saying he wanted to see his grandchild soon. My wife suddenly became upset and left the table. I felt sorry for my in-laws' disappointment when I explained that my wife was refusing intimacy and couldn't be persuaded. Late at night, I woke up to use the restroom and stopped in front of my in-laws' bedroom door, where a light was leaking out. I peeked inside and saw them in the midst of their intimate moments. Although I knew I shouldn't be watching, my pent-up desire made it impossible for me to look away. Unable to control my erection, I was masturbating in secret when my mother-in-law appeared. She told me to wait, saying that since my wife wasn't around, I must be getting hard. She offered to help me out, and started teasing my son. I quickly became aroused by the unexpected touch, but my mother-in-law's skillful hand and mouth play wouldn't let me climax. Just as I was about to explode at my peak, she took me in her mouth... The next day, my father-in-law and wife went out to a nearby izakaya. I'm sure my mother-in-law was also feeling awkward after last night's events. As the night deepened, they still hadn't returned. I made up my mind and went to my mother-in-law's bedroom. I gently lifted her blanket and started caressing her. Soon, I heard the sound of her pussy getting wet. She woke up with a start and looked at me in surprise. I couldn't hold back any longer and forcefully inserted myself into her... We both knew this was wrong, but we couldn't resist the overwhelming urge. "We're such fools," my mother-in-law smiled gently...
久しぶりに妻の実家へと帰省した僕たち夫婦。義父母は快く迎え入れてくれた。 団欒中、義父がそろそろ孫が見たいと言い始めると、妻は急に不機嫌になり席を立ってしまった。困惑する義父母へ妻が夜の生活を拒否している事、誘ってもダメな事を伝えた。義父母の落胆ぶりに申し訳ない気持ちになってしまった。 深夜トイレへと起きた僕は義父母の寝室前で漏れる明かりに立ち止まった。そっと覗くと義父母が営んでいる最中。見てはいけないと思いながらも、性に飢えている僕は目が離せなかった。 僕は勃起が収まらず、隠れてオナニーしていると、義母がやってきた。慌てて隠す僕に、待ってと言い、娘がしていないから溜まってしまうでしょ?私でよければと言い、僕の息子を扱き始めた。久しぶりに触られた事もありすぐに昂ぶるが、義母の手淫口淫は発射を許さないかのようにねっとりと巧みで、僕が爆発寸前最高潮に高まった瞬間、口で受け止めてくれた...。 次の日、義父と妻は近所の居酒屋へと出かけていった。昨晩の事もあり義母も気まずいのだろう…。そして、すっかり夜も更けていったが義父達は戻ってこない。僕は意を決し義母の寝室へと向かった。寝息を立てる義母の布団をそっとめくり、愛撫してゆく。やがてくちゅくちゅと音を立て始めた義母の恥部。はっと目を覚まし驚く義母。僕は我慢が出来なくなり、半ば襲うように義母へと挿入した…。 本当はイケナイ事…そんな事は僕も義母もわかっている…それでも抑えられない衝動…。 「私達って…本当にバカね…」義母は優しく微笑んだ…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!